Monday, April 20, 2020

What are the advantages of simulation?

Simulation is the faculty of replicating a real-life system or process. Medical simulation is one of the popular applications, along with aviation, education, etc. The Healthcare industry uses manikins, patient simulator devices and programs like blood simulator. You may read this blog as it mentions about various benefits of using patient simulators devices and how does it help shape better doctors. All in all, medical simulation provides better patient safety and form a capable medical team. It also helps in developing confident and dynamic medical workers. Medical simulations also help doctors readily learn about a variety of cases and prepare them to act efficiently as well as confidently. It provides aspiring doctors and health professionals an experiential learning opportunity. 

Monday, March 16, 2020

What is electrical safety testing of medical equipment?

This blog gives you information on the importance of electrical safety at healthcare places like hospitals and devices. A hospital is where you can find a whole array of life-saving equipment. The failure in the electricity can lead to non-functionality of the equipment and machinery, which in turn can lead to the mortality of the patients. There are other hazards like fire hazards, dangers of short circuits, CCTV system failure, and many more that can be devastating too. The use of an electrical safety analyzer can help you mitigate such tragedies. Some oximeter simulator can be operated remotely with the help of a smartphone or smart device app and can run some checklists and even capture detailed results of the tests you run remotely.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

What is a simulation in education?

This blog gives you the gist of the Educational Patient Simulator and its uses. This simulator has proven to be effective in the medical field. With the use of the patient simulator, many medical colleges and hospitals have seen better improvement in the patients’ health and medical professionals’ competence. The use of patient simulators has proven to be a prudent investment; the cost of the installation can be recovered with the gained goodwill of the hospital, which in turn can lead to attracting more patients and thus the revenue for the hospital. Also, prospective students would want to pursue education from medical colleges with ‘state of the art’ equipment and teaching facilities. The patient simulator is a part of such a facility. 

Sunday, January 19, 2020

What are the most important safety concerns for electricians?

Electrical safety plays a significant role in our daily life. However, nowadays, what has become an integral part of today’s ultramodern world can harm or even kill a person. It is right in the case of medical locations too. Hospital authorities should employ some holistic safety solutions to improve patient’s treatment and streamline the workflow. To simplify the workflow, they can establish a rock-solid electrical safety plan by using cutting-edge equipment such as an electrical safety analyzer. This article will let you know about tips that you can use to ensure electrical safety in a hospital.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

What is Benefits of patient simulator machine?

A patient simulator is a modern day healthcare marvel. It is a technological innovation that offers real-time access to the data. The device is used to monitor vital patient signs, ensure real time insights into his health, and drive better healthcare outcomes. It has the ability to monitor many different vital signs such as assessing your ECG, respiration, blood pressure, cardiac heart rate and temperature. A key advantage of using this simulator machine is that it needs no extra adapters or accessories. This helps to bring down cost and complexity.  Also, its durable enclosure and rigorous QC ensures a long lasting performance for far less. The machine is a blessing and provides real-time facts about the patients that help in further treating the patient with care. It doesn’t require specialized assistance anybody can operate this machine.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Advanced features of smallest automated electrical safety analyzer

When you step out to purchase an electrical safety analyzer, you will get confused because today, there is a wide range of analyzers available in a market. Because of it, choosing the best one is feeling like a daunting task. However, you do not need to worry. Here in this blog, we have covered the most advanced features that are available in Pronk Tech’s automated electrical safety analyzer. It is the world’s smallest automated electrical safety analyzer. It includes features such as user-defined tests with pass/fail limits, automated electrical safety testing, a visual and audible indication of each test – even when you are far from the device under test. Apart from it, it also includes automatic ECG and respiration sequence after safety tests are completed, and for real-time data capture and remote control of this analyzer, there is a Bluetooth connection available. Therefore, it makes the perfect choice for all your electrical safety test requirements.